12 Ways to Convert Website Visitors into Paying Customers

Once your website is up and running, you have a magic seven seconds to convince customers your site is where they\’ll find the answers to their problems. Here are 12 ways to convert your website visitors into paying customers.
Digital Marketing that Delivers a High ROI

Fortunately, with a little effort, self-reflection, and careful planning, your digital marketing can yield a high ROI. So, what do you need to know?
Real Estate & Social Media Management: 4 Signs You Need Help

Since the advent of social media, online customer engagement has become crucial for effective marketing. Millennials are the largest demographic generation today and 46% rely on social media to influence their online purchasing decisions. That alone should tell you that this is a great place to focus your marketing efforts. But if that isn’t enough, here’s another […]
What is Pay Per Click (PPC) and Social Media Marketing (SMM)?

In the online world, many companies make a deals with search engines like Google for higher placement in search results and use social media platforms like Facebook to promote their products directly to interested consumers. How so? By means of two marketing strategies: \”pay per click\” (or PPC) and \”social media marketing\” (or SMM). Learn more about each here.
Mobile Search Coming

Mobile Search Optimization is coming. Don\’t be left behind, as Google updates their search algorithms and separates mobile search from desktop search in the coming months.
Fortune 500 Marketing Without Spending a Fortune
One of the biggest dilemmas for any new or small business is determining how to invest for marketing. For many new businesses, there is often not a marketing budget, because until the point of opening, the expenses have all been reserved for getting the business off the ground. As you get closer to opening, a […]
5 Best Tools for Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization, commonly called SEO, is a vital part of your website marketing strategy. Having your website optimized correctly will ensure your target audience is finding you, ultimately resulting in more conversions. Companies often invest a lot of money into the perfect SEO strategy to ensure their consumers are finding them […]
How Good Web Design Relates to SEO
There is no secret weapon to winning the favor of the complex and perpetually changing algorithms that decide the rankings of websites in search results. But the fundamentals of strong web design do provide a good foundation for strong performance on Google. Here is how good web design relates to SEO.
Remarketing Keeps Your Business Top of Mind
Learn how to stay top of mind long after a visitor leaves your website. Google gives you the necessary tools to easily remarket your brand and convert more visitors into loyal customers.
A Simple Breakdown of Online Marketing Buzzwords
In the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing buzzwords, it can be hard to keep up with the lingo. Read on for a jargon-busting look at popular terms like \”inbound marketing.\”